Services (10)

Telephone Request - Phone Change(s)

Service for requesting changes to the layout of your phone including adding/removing bridged appearances, adding additional lines, and changing the location of options on your phone's interface.

Telephone Request - New Phone Installation

Service for requesting either the installation of a new desk phone or a new cellular phone managed by the university.

Telephone Request - Phone Move

Service for requesting a phone to be moved for a specific user.

Telephone Request - Cell Phone

Service for requesting a cellular phone for CCE trips or conferences.

Telephone Request - Conference Bridge

Service for requesting a departmental or personal conference bridge account.

Telephone Request - Mutare

Service for requesting voicemails to be forwarded to your email inbox.

Telephone Request Voicemail - Setup

Service for requesting the setup of a voicemail box.

Telephone Request Voicemail - Password Reset

Service for resetting your voicemail password and unlocking your voicemail inbox.

Telephone Request Voicemail - Other

Service for requesting anything voicemail-related that doesn't match the description of any of the other provided services.

Telephone Request - Other

Service for requesting anything telephone-related that doesn't match the description of any of the other provided services.