My Recently Visited Services
Video recording and streaming.
Service for requesting something for an office environment when the request doesn't match the descriptions of the other services provided.
Service for reporting an issue with a software on a lab, classroom, or public space computer.
Service for requesting training with academic technologies on campus.
Service for reporting an issue or requesting assistance with the Registration page on Colleague.
Service for reporting an issue with an Apple TV in a lab or classroom.
Service for reporting a water leak in a lab or classroom.
Service for requesting printer access in an office environment.
Service for requesting pieces of technology to move from one location to another within an office environment.
Service for creating a wireless exception on Carroll's network for one of your devices.
Service for requesting updated permissions for the portal page.
Not seeing a service for your problem? Submit a ticket here for one of our technicians to assist you with it.
Service for reporting an issue with a Clickshare unit in a lab, classroom, or public space.
Service for requesting training on a specific aspect of the technology available to you in your office environment.
Service for requesting elevated permissions to be able to make changes to your Carroll computer manually.
Service for reporting an issue with a piece of software in an office environment.
Service for reporting an issue with a document camera in a classroom.
Service for requesting a new piece of software be installed on a computer that isn't in an office.
Service for reporting an issue with a computer monitor in a lab, classroom, or public space.
Service for reporting an issue with a keyboard in a lab, classroom, or public space.