Search67 Results

Services or Offerings?
Request access to a new application, or expanded permissions to an application.

When an employee leaves.

Submit requests for permissions for new employees here. Please note only supervisors may use this form.

New AV system request.

Request multiple sections of your course be combined into a single Canvas Course.

Submit a work order for issues with a computer in a lab or classroom.

If a PioPrint printer malfunctions during a print job, use this service to request a refund.

Report an issue within CRM

Media Services can assist with the installation and maintenance of Digital Signage on campus.

Access to additional e-mail/calendar accounts.

Changes to listserv's and distribution groups such as changes in owners or members.

New listserv's and distribution groups.

Restore data from Pioneer 2 to a folder share.

Changes to file and folder permissions.

Request the creation of a new folder share.